
Fer­ra­ri GTC4Lusso – Natio­nal Debut in Berlin

The new Fer­ra­ri GTC4Lusso has over the last two evenings made its eager­ly-awai­ted natio­nal debut at the Gro­ße Oran­ge­rie Schloss Char­lot­ten­burg in Berlin.

Enrico Galliera and Jean-Philippe Leloup
Enri­co Gal­lie­ra and Jean-Phil­ip­pe Leloup

Sel­ec­ted guests enjoy­ed the offi­ci­al wel­co­me of the new four sea­ter GT against the back­drop of crea­ti­ve dance that embra­ced the new tech­ni­cal high­lights of this new V12 pran­cing hor­se of the Ita­li­an stable.
A uni­que mix of bench­mark sports car per­for­mance, all-wea­ther ver­sa­ti­li­ty and sub­li­me ele­gan­ce, guests at the two red-car­pet sun­set events enjoy­ed an exclu­si­ve oppor­tu­ni­ty to get clo­ser to the new GTC4Lusso under the the­mes of Spring, Sum­mer, Autumn and Winter.

The sea­so­nal stages show­ed how capa­ble the powerful GTC4Lusso is at per­forming in all dri­ving situa­tions deli­ve­ring a con­sis­tent sen­se of sta­bi­li­ty and comfort.

Under­ly­ing the importance of the GTC4Lusso, atten­ding Fer­ra­ri enthu­si­asts were hos­ted at the black-tie gala din­ner per­so­nal­ly by the Ita­li­an Fer­ra­ri Exe­cu­ti­ve Enri­co Gal­lie­ra, Chief Mar­ke­ting and Com­mer­cial Offi­cer and also Fer­ra­ri Head of EMEA, Fran­ces­co Bian­chi tog­e­ther with Ferrari’s Head Test Dri­ver Raf­fae­le De Simone.

Jean-Phil­ip­pe Leloup, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Fer­ra­ri Central/​East Euro­pe said,
“The­se evenings in Ber­lin have been a per­fect fusi­on of Ita­li­an pas­si­on coming tog­e­ther with the love of auto­mo­ti­ve par excellence”.

It is a true honour to cele­bra­te the GTC4Lusso altog­e­ther here.

The first pri­vi­le­ged owners will be taking deli­very of their cars in Euro­pe in Q4 of 2016.

Pho­tos: Fer­ra­ri, celesQue

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