
Gol­den Bear Lounge by Glas­huet­te Original

The 67th Ber­li­na­le was sup­port­ed by the Saxon watch manu­fac­to­ry. This year for the first time as the main partner.

Ber­li­na­le Fes­ti­val Direc­tor Die­ter Koss­lick with Tho­mas Mei­er CEO Glas­huet­te Original

The long- term com­mit­ment was crow­ned with the awar­ding of the Glas­huet­te Ori­gi­nal Docu­men­ta­ry Award, worth 50,000 euros. Impres­si­ve images, signi­fi­cant sub­jects, cou­ra­ge­ous prot­ago­nists – this is the art of the docu­men­ta­ry film. The pri­ze got the film Isti­yad Ash­bah (Ghost Hun­ting). The jury hono­u­red the win­ning film, cho­sen from 16 nomi­nees, in their laudation:

“Docu­men­ta­ries build bridges bet­ween dif­fe­rent cul­tures. And the award win­ning film­ma­kers show us in a bra­ve, ori­gi­nal and inno­va­ti­ve way, how humans can defy sup­pres­si­on with digni­ty.” Direc­tor Raed Ando­ni said bright­ly with hap­pi­ness: “I work with peo­p­le living at the dar­kest places of the world and tonight I recei­ved this award under all the­se lights.”

Raed Ando­ni with his film­crew, the jury for the Docu­men­ta­ry Award and Tho­mas Meier

Artists, direc­tors, pro­du­cers and guests from all parts of the film world were always wel­co­me to the lounge during the Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val. Tho­mas Mei­er, CEO Glas­huet­te Ori­gi­nal, who wel­co­med many of them per­so­nal­ly, was extre­me­ly satisfied.

“We are proud to be able to enrich the Ber­li­na­le with our lounge and ide­as and to have crea­ted many exci­ting encoun­ters bet­ween film and watch­ma­king. As watch­ma­kers and film­ma­kers we are con­nec­ted by pas­si­on, pre­cis­i­on, tech­ni­cal sophisti­ca­ti­on and our sen­se of beau­ty and aesthetics.”

Docu­men­ta­ry Award Ber­li­na­le Assembling

Glas­huet­te Ori­gi­nal took the occa­si­on to pre­sent a colourful Spe­cial Coll­ec­tion: the five four-cor­ne­red Six­ties Ico­nic Squa­re chro­no­graphs were the focus of many pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and events in the Gol­den Bear Lounge.

Six­ties Ico­nic Squa­re chronographs

pho­tos: Glas­huet­te Original

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