
Tan­ja Bül­ter – Busi­ness as usual

Mode­ra­tor Tan­ja Bül­ter slip­ped into the role of the model for the celes­Que pho­to shoot in the Wal­dorf Asto­ria Berlin

Mode­ra­tor Tan­ja Bül­ter slip­ped into the role of the model for our pho­to shoot in the pre­si­den­ti­al suite of the Wal­dorf Asto­ria Ber­lin, sin­ce she was instant­ly thril­led with the sub­ject of our shoot: busi­ness­wo­man – fashion – technology.

The situa­ti­on is very fami­li­ar to Tan­ja Bülter

Quick­ly che­cking into a hotel in the mor­ning after a flight or train trip. Befo­re the next appoint­ment chan­ge clo­thes, check emails and text mes­sa­ges and make some calls in bet­ween. The next mee­ting is wai­ting right after lunch.

Which out­fit now?

May­be this time a more sport­ingly ele­gant out­fit? Or may­be not? Are all the files and papers the­re, tablet, cell pho­ne, lap­top, etc.? Befo­re din­ner a quick chat with the bar­ten­der. And in the evening, the grand appearance.

She has been working for around 15 years in front of and behind the came­ra at the RTL Group, has been host of a num­ber of show for­mats and inter­view­ed count­less peo­p­le. On inter­na­tio­nal stages, she has char­mingly mode­ra­ted events for pre­mi­um brands like Mer­ce­des-Benz, IWC, Qatar Air­ways, Air­bus, Ome­ga, and Canon. The last thing she checks on her busi­ness trips is her lap­top.
The mother of two has been the spe­cial ambassa­dor for the Kin­der­herz Foun­da­ti­on sin­ce 2009.
She reports month­ly about the latest fashion trends on the web TV life­style and fashion chan­nel, “IN Fashion.”

Matthias Wackrow and Tanja Bülter in the bar in Waldorf Astoria Berlin
Mat­thi­as Wack­row as the bar­ten­der with model Tan­ja Bülter


Pho­to­shoot and Text first published in celes­Que issue 06/​2015

Pho­to­grapher: Domi­nik Manikowski

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