
10000 Ico­nic Glasses


Dive into the luxu­ry world of “It” acces­so­ry glas­ses.
Spec­ta­cu­lar one-of-a-kind vin­ta­ge Glas­ses from the 1970s, 80s and 90s.


If you are loo­king for an unu­su­al ori­gi­nal, then Bril­len­schatz is the place to go.
Draped on the walls are rare ori­gi­nal glas­ses. The shop’s dra­wers are a tre­asu­re tro­ve of luxu­rious glas­ses. 10,000 pairs of glas­ses are the­re, wai­ting to find a new owner.

Vin­ta­ge chic is the in thing

“Wow, how cool do the­se look!” “The­se are so retro!” “I’ve always wan­ted to try the­se on!” That’s what the owner, Abdul­lah Demir, con­stant­ly hears when cus­to­mers come to his shop, a shop he has made an expres­si­on of his loving care for detail. The exci­ting vin­ta­ge glas­ses can be found some­what hid­den away in what once was the building’s porter’s office. Lar­ge, small, black, colorful, round angu­lar. “The valuable pie­ces are all like new, not worn,” stres­ses Demir. 

He dis­co­ver­ed how colorful­ly diver­se glas­ses are 15 years ago. What was at first a fasci­na­ti­on deve­lo­ped into a pas­si­on for coll­ec­ting uni­que glas­ses. From the cra­zy glas­ses that once ador­ned Elton John to the clas­sics à la Ste­ve McQueen. Crea­ti­ons by Alain Mik­li, Car­tier, and Cazal, to famous desi­gners like Yves Saint Lau­rent.
With sun­glas­ses, you are in fashion the who­le year. 

Abdul­lah Demir knows “The glas­ses find you and not the other way around.”

Pho­tos: Antho­ny Dodds

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