begehbarer Kleiderschrank

End­less Space

Orga­niza­ti­on is half the batt­le – espe­ci­al­ly in the clo­thes clo­set. The­se sto­rage space solu­ti­ons are a sty­lish way to stow away clo­thes and accessories.

Remem­ber Sex and the City? And the time Mr. Big was show­ing our favo­ri­te “shoe­aho­lic,” Car­rie Brad­shaw, an upt­own luxu­ry apart­ment? It wasn’t the breath­ta­king view of Man­hat­tan or the clas­sy wood par­quet flo­or that made her sque­al in delight, no, it was the dres­sing room with its back­lit opaque glass doors. All she could mana­ge to utter was, “Oh my god!” It was love at first sight. Only after she had pla­ced her new­ly-bought high heels on the shoe rack was she sure she wasn’t dreaming.

Not only women but men as well think walk-in clo­sets are gre­at. Final­ly a place whe­re ever­y­thing has its place and there’s a place for ever­y­thing, for all the shoes, dres­ses, pants, ties, hand­bags, blou­ses, belts, and, yes, even the iro­ning board and cuf­flinks. Lucky is the per­son who can spa­re a room just for that, pre­fer­a­b­ly with its own natu­ral light source so looks can be assess in the mir­ror in the pro­per light. But it is pos­si­ble to fit a walk-in clo­set even in just a few squa­re meters, thanks to cle­ver ward­ro­be sys­tems. “With the help of three sli­ding doors, for exam­p­le, a cor­ner of a room can be sec­tion­ed off, crea­ting a three-cor­ne­red ward­ro­be,” says Uta Berg­mann from the firm Raum­p­lus. Incli­ned walls under the roof or alco­ves can also be tur­ned into sto­rage space.

The be-all and end-all of crea­ting sto­rage space is pro­per plan­ning. A num­ber of firms offer digi­tal plan­ning aids for down­loa­ding on their web­sites. The­se can be used to make an inven­to­ry of exact­ly what needs to be stored and whe­re. The stacks of towels are mea­su­red, clo­thes to be han­ged are coun­ted and final­ly useful access­ories and orga­ni­zers can be included in the design of the ward­ro­be, such as pull­outs for belts and coat han­gers, boxes to sort under­wear and socks, or a nar­row com­part­ment for an iro­ning board. Your phy­si­cal size is also taken into account for a sen­si­bly ergo­no­mic design for the clo­set. You shouldn’t have to bend or stretch exces­si­ve­ly for the things you need most often.

One of the best-known inte­ri­or desi­gners of the world, Pier­ro Lis­so­ni, is con­vin­ced that the ward­ro­be will go through an image chan­ge like the bath­room, which in recent years has been trans­for­med from being just a “wet cell” into a per­so­nal spa. Thanks to emo­tio­nal mate­ri­als, like dif- ferent types of wood and mood light­ing, the ward­ro­be can also beco­me a place you like to spend time in. At the same time, func­tion­a­li­ty is not given short shrift. For exam­p­le, Lis­so­ni desi­gned a walk-in clo­set sys­tem cal­led Han­gar for the com­pa­ny Lema and one cal­led Sto­rage for Por­ro. With the­se modu­lar sys­tems, an ordi­na­ry clo­set can be trans­for­med into a walk-in ward­ro­be with mini­mum effort, which could be of inte­rest when moving.

But it doesn’t always have to be wood. The Ita­li­an com­pa­ny Lago came up with a sys­tem they call Et Voi­là that con­ce­als clo­thes behind a fabric wall. This has not­hing to do with a loo­se­ly han­ging curtain. A magne­tic mecha­nism holds the fabric down taut on a frame. Depen­ding on the room design, the ward­ro­be can eit­her be made to invi­si­bly blend in with the wall or con­scious­ly add an accent. The fabric is robust, water and dust resistant and easy to care for at the same time.

Also ori­gi­na­ting out of Ita­ly is the ele­gant sto­rage solu­ti­on Back­stage by B&B Ita­lia. Anto­nio Cit­te­rio took his inspi­ra­ti­on for his straight-for­ward design from con­tem­po­ra­ry archi­tec­tu­re. He uses only pre­cious mate­ri- als like fine woods, lac­que­r­ed sur­faces or lea­ther in his ful­ly walka­ble ward­ro­be. Thanks to a space-saving door ope­ning sys­tem, the inte­ri­or space can be uti­li­zed to per­fec­tion. Car­rie Brad­shaw from Sex and the City would be thril­led. ––

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Text first published in celes­Que issue 06/​2015

Text: Judith Jenner

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